个人简介:陈亚诗,女,1994年生,河南安阳人,湖南大学工学博士。主要从事第一性原理在电化学应用方面的研究工作。共发表SCI论文30余篇,以第一作者身份多次在Coord.Chem. Rev.、Nanoscale、J.Colloid. Interf. Sci.等化学领域著名期刊发表研究论文。
1. Yashi Chen, Zhuo Yin*, Danlian Huang*, Lei Lei, Sha Chen, Ming Yan, Li Du, Ruihao Xiao, Min Cheng, Uniform polypyrrole electrodeposition triggered by phytic acid-guided interface engineering for high energy density flexible supercapacitor. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2022, 611, 356- 365.
2. Yashi Chen, Danlian Huang*, Lei Lei, Sha Chen, Xigui Liu, Min Cheng, Oxygen vacancy-rich doped CDs@graphite felt-600 heterostructures for high-performance supercapacitor electrodes. Nanoscale,2021, 13, 4995-5005.
3. Yashi Chen, Danlian Huang*, Lei Lei, Sha Chen, Min Cheng, Li Du, Bo Li, Hierarchical urchin-like amorphous carbon with Co-adding anchored on nickel foam: A free-standing electrode for advanced asymmetrical supercapacitors and adsorbed Pb (II). Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2021, 603, 58-69.
4. Yashi Chen, Yuwei Long, Qing Li*, Xinhong Chen, Xi Xu, Synthesis of high-performance sodium carboxymethyl cellulose-based adsorbent for effective removal of methylene blue and Pb (II). International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2019, 126, 107-117.
5. Yashi Chen, Qing Li*, Xinhong Chen and Xi Xu, Functionalization of biodegradable PLA nonwoven fabrics as super-wetting membranes for simultaneous efficient dye and oil/water separation, New Journal of Chemistry, 2019, 43, 9696-9705
6. Yashi Chen, Danlian Huang, Lei Lei, Sha Chen, Min Cheng, Li Du, Ruijin Li, Guangfu Wang, Pushing the limit of graphene-based freestanding catalysts via the ever-changing surface and interface for electrochemical energy conversion and storage, Coordination Chemistry Reviews,2023, 496, 215411.
7. Danlian Huang*, Yashi Chen, Min Cheng, Lei Lei, Sha Chen, Wenjun Wang, Xigui Liu, Carbon dots-decorated carbon-based metal-free catalysts for electrochemical energy storage. Small, 2020, 2002998.
[1] 授权专利【发明人】陈亚诗,黄丹莲,雷蕾,陈莎,赖萃,杜立,肖睿豪.【发明名称】植酸电化学氧化 -聚吡咯/碳纤维复合材料及其制备方法和在超级电容器中的应用.【专利号】ZL202110976017.0【申请日】2021- 08-24.【授权公告日】2022-08-02.【国别】中国.
[2] 授权专利【发明人】黄丹莲、陈亚诗、雷蕾、程敏、许飘、陈莎、杜立、肖睿豪. 【发明名称】海胆状无 定形碳/泡沫镍复合材料及其制备方法和在超级电容器中的应用.【专利号】ZL202110033712.3【申请日】2021- 01-11.【授权公告日】2022-07-12.【国别】中国.